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See "What's New" above for details. Minimum $10 order.

Couching Threads

Van Gogh Van Gogh, 5 yards, mixed fibers, handwash, order #4923, $2.50 $1.50 Tiffany Tiffany, 5 yards, mixed fibers, handwash, order #4905, $2.50 $1.50
Sari Mix Sari Mix, 5 yards, mixed fibers, handwash, order #4913, $2.50 $1.50 Frutti Di Bosco Frutti Di Bosco, 5 yards, rayon, handwash, order #2866, $2.00 $1.20
Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli, 5 yards, rayon, handwash, order #2862, $2.00 $1.20 Olives & Grapes Olives & Grapes, 5 yards, rayon, handwash, order #2864, $2.00 $1.20
Etruscan Glaze Etruscan Glaze, 5 yards, rayon, handwash, order #2860, $2.00 $1.20 Rayon Chenille Rayon Chenille, 3 yards each of 3 colors, order #CHEN, $3.00 $1.75

Please click on the thumbnail for better pictures.
These threads are hand dyed and vary in color.


Contact Us

You can contact us in one of several ways:
By phone: 1-507-356-8211
By postal mail: Oak Hill Designs, 12019 County Road 113 NW, Pine Island, Minnesota 55963
By e-mail: oakhilldesigns@bizland.com

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